Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mexico's Chamber of Deputies wastes no time, approves PEMEX reforms

In just one day the national congress votes for a major overhaul of the ailing state oil monopoly

Guadalajara -
Less than 24 hours after the Mexican Senate's historic vote in favor of constitutional amendments which would open Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) to private capital investment and participation by foreign enterprises, the Cámara de Diputados adopted the same measure moments ago by a vote of 354-134.

Earlier in the evening deputies voted to fast track the legislation and not refer the energy reforms to subcommittees, following the lead of the Senate several days ago. PEMEX amendments are on legislative "fast track".

The vote in the lower chamber tonight was along predictable party lines, with centrist PAN and PRI deputies carrying the measure against solid opposition by leftist PRD, MC (Citizens Movement) and PT (Workers Party) deputies. Opinion: Mexico's Left determined to shackle the nation to the past.

The constitutional amendments now move to the nation's 32 state assemblies for consideration.

Dec. 13 - The ultra left National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) says it will carry the fight to each of the state congresses, "encircling" them and publishing the name and photograph of every legislator who "betrays Mexico" by voting for energy reform. López Obrador calls for campaign of protest and civil disobedience over PEMEX amendments.

Dec. 16 - San Luis Potosí puts PEMEX reforms over the top
Dec. 15 - Jalisco and all of Yucatán peninsula approve PEMEX reforms
Dec. 13 - Mexican states rush to endorse PEMEX reforms
Dec. 12 - Mexico's Cámara - a House out of order?
Dec. 11 - Mexico's PEMEX: senators open the door to foreign expertise and private capital
Dec. 7 - Mexico's congress slams through political reforms, as it prepares to take up energy ones
Nov. 14 - Mexican deputies approve $344 billion USD 2014 budget
Nov. 3 - Forbes praises Peña Nieto's "courageous" energy policy
Oct. 17 - Peña Nieto two for three on reform packages, as Mexico's House of Deputies easily passes tax bill

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