Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Former Iguala mayor and wife arrested in Mexico City

Guadalajara -
Former Iguala, Guerrero mayor José Luis Abarca Velázquez and his wife, María de los Ángeles Pineda Villa, were arrested on federal criminal warrants in Mexico City early this morning, the government has announced.

The couple was taken into custody at a private residence by a special unit of the Federal Police described as "elite," and transferred to the headquarters of the Organized Crime Strike Force for questioning.

On Oct. 22 Mexican Attorney General Jesús Murillo Karam said Abarca and Pineda Villa gave the orders which ultimately resulted in the killings of six persons in Iguala on Sept. 26, and the seizing of 43 college students who may have been executed hours later. "Mary of the Angels" and her husband were "brains" behind Iguala executions, kidnappings. Authorities have found no trace of them to date.

Abarca and Pineda Villa fled Iguala on Sept. 30. He was stripped of his credentials and expelled from the left wing Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), the majority party in Guerrero, in October. Abarca's involvement with the case has rocked the domestic political scene in the state, forcing a governor to resign on Oct. 23. Gov. Ángel Aguirre quits under mounting political pressure.

Interim Guerrero Governor Rogelio Oretga said today that the detention of Mexico's most sought after couple is a "crucial advance in the continuing search for the students." An estimated 10,000 federal, state and local officials are scouring the countryside in Guerrero and elsewhere for some trace of the 43, who have been missing for almost six weeks.

Nov. 6 - "Imperial couple" of Iguala gets improved quarters in tough Mexican prison
Oct. 29 - Campaign photo with most wanted couple in Mexican puts ultra Left politician in unwanted spotlight
Oct. 25 - Family ties, nepotism suggest nothing has changed in Iguala
Oct. 20 - Mexican priest: 43 college students were "burned alive"

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