Sunday, November 30, 2014

López Obrador, "still crazy after all these years"*

MGR's view

Guadalajara -
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, twice defeated for Mexico's presidency but an already announced contender for the 2018 election, yesterday called upon Enrique Peña Nieto to resign before Monday, Dec. 1, the latter's second anniversary in office.

Dec. 1, 2012 - EPN takes oath of office before Mexico's Congress, but not everyone was applauding
Nov. 30, 2012 - Enrique Peña Nieto takes the helm in Mexico City

López Obrador, whose comments were carried prominently by the voice of Mexico's far Left, wants new elections to be held so that a "legitimate government" may assume control of the nation.

In the above May 12, 2012 photo, then Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) nominee López Obrador was campaigning in Iguala, Guerrero, side by side with the husband and wife butchers of 43 college students whose incinerated remains have yet to be identified.

"I didn't know them at all," Obrador insists in reference to the former PRD mayor and his spouse.

* Paul Simon, 1975

Mexico's crumbling, rudderless Left:
Nov. 26 - Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas abandons PRD, 25 years after he founded it
Nov. 16 - Father of Mexican Left says Democratic Revolution Party has "lost its moral authority"
Nov. 2 - Mexican Catholic Church lashes out at political parties, including the "false Left"
Oct. 30 - PEMEX reforms are forever a done deal, despite fierce leftist opposition
Feb. 2 - On Constitution Day, López Obrador files criminal complaint against Peña Nieto for treason

Sept. 21 - Andrés Manuel's vision for Mexico
Sept. 19 - Opinion: Mexico's Left determined to shackle the nation to the past
Sept. 14 - Elena Poniatowska, entirely out to lunch in New York

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