Over the past several months, I've written many articles, columns and op-ed pieces for The Yucatan Times of Mérida. Throughout this Blog, there are URL links to a number of those items.
For your convenience, I've created a Mexico Gulf Region Reporter (MGRR) Supplement, where all of my Yucatan Times pieces will be permanently available. They are being uploaded today. They are in no particular subject matter order.
I invite my readers to click on the link on the right side bar of this Blog, where you will be instantly connected to the MGRR Supplement. The articles stored there cover a wide range of topics, and many of them have never appeared in this Blog. From time to time I may also post special or longer works in the Supplement -- editorial opinions, for instance -- but there always will be notice of such, and a direct link, on this Blog page. This Blog will remain, in other words, my primary writing location.
I will be re-linking some of the posts in this Blog with my new Supplement. That will take time. If you click on a link on this page and it "goes nowhere," let me know and I'll create a new link immediately. Or simply stroll over to my Supplement page, where you'll probably be able to quickly find whatever you're looking for.
Thanks for reading the Mexico Gulf Region Reporter, and the MGRR Supplement.