The famous Gulf port of Veracruz, where the mass dumping of executed bodies has become a regular event since 35 cadavers were tossed onto a downtown highway during rush hour on September 20, has been under a special federal-state security program for more than a month. The results are less than spectacular. Earlier today another eight corpses were dropped along side a major road, all of them bound hand and foot and showing signs of torture. Police, who were alerted to the scene by an anonymous call, have no clues.
On October 20 a high ranking Mexican naval official claimed that violent crime in and around the city had already dropped 70% due to security enhancements known as Operation Secure Veracruz. Somebody should tell the cartels in the area (Los Zetas and their archenemies, Los Matazetas), because they're obviously conducting business as usual. Here's that military report from two weeks ago:
Here's the original September 20 body dumping report:
And yet another 36 bodies were discovered in Veracruz on October 6: