With challenges on every front and lower than average international scores in many categories, two thirds of Mexicans (66%) report that they are nonetheless quite content with life. The surprising -- and arguably contradictory -- conclusion is based upon a report issued by the United Nations Organization for Cooperative Economic Development.
A Mexican sociologist says the curious result illustrates that in this culture, there's no direct connection between one's socio-economic level and self-reported happiness or satisfaction with life. Mexicans view things differently than people in nations with more comfortable lifestyles, say researchers. Populations in 33 developed or developing nations were compared in the U.N. report.
Mexico scored low in many categories. Security concerns, not surprisingly, were much higher here than in many nations. Some 15% of survey respondents reported that they had been the victim of a crime within the previous year. The U.N. study average was 4%.
Mexicans earned an annual average of $12,182 USD last year, while the average in the other 32 nations was $22,284 USD. And they worked significantly more hours to earn that far lower income, said the U.N. Mexican schools did not get glowing reviews, either. Reading capability of students was notably below world averages, according to the study.
Despite the numbers, 66% of Mexicans reported themselves satisfied with life, compared with an average of 59% in other developed nations. Almost three fourths (74%) were of the opinion that their lives will improve in the next five years.
The sociologist noted that "the majority of Mexicans live in and for the moment. Excessive focus on the future leads to disfunction. Mexicans don't derive contentment from their socio-economic level, but from other factors." One of the questions in the survey asked respondents to compare positive verus negative experiences during the day in ordinary social interactions. The study average was 72% positive, but in Mexico it was 78%.