Sunday, December 4, 2011

More bodies are dumped in Veracruz, the "City of Cadavers"

I described Veracruz on September 22 as a city out of control, and one firmly in the pocket of drug traffickers ( It was true then, and it remains so today.

Another seven corpses were found on a street about 5:00 a.m. this morning. They were male, bound hand and foot, and showed signs of torture before execution. No identities have been announced, nor has the cause of death for any of the victims.

The executioners are probably Los Zetas. Or perhaps Los Matazetas ("the Zeta killers") ( Or maybe a rival cartel. There's a turf war going on in the area, a vicious struggle to control lucrative drug routes north to the United States. A famous resort city has seen it's once thriving economy decimated. It hurts locals all the more because the state of Veracruz is one of the very poorest in Mexico.

Of course, the state's PRI governor thinks things are just fine and dandy. He's a clown, minus only the conical cap and bells.

Everything has gone downhill in Veracruz since 35 naked cadavers were dumped from cattle trucks on a downtown thoroughfare during the city's busy afternoon rush hour on September 20 ( All of those victims had been strangled or asphyxiated (after first being tortured). A few days later, another 36 bodies were found abandoned in several houses ( These unfortunates were dispatched by sicarios, or narco executioners, for breaking one rule or another. Or maybe just for being.

Veracruz is Mexico's City of Cadavers.

Veracruz street where 35 nude corpses were dumped at rush hour September 20.