It´s true. Today, while prosecutors and judicial authorities from all over Mexico convened for a special "security summit" in the city, more cadavers were dumped from vehicles in prominent locations around town -- almost right under their collective noses. There were seven new bodies (at least the numbers are going down). They had been bound, tortured and shot before being tossed out on the public right of way. Call it a welcome note from Los Zetas to the assembled prosecutors and judges.
So who's running Veracruz? Certainly not anyone remotely connected with the Mexican government. A primary problem in Veracruz is its utterly incompetent local prosecutor. Watch for a follow-up report on him soon.
Update Thursday, Sept. 22, 9:00 p.m. The latest report this evening from Veracruz is that 14 additional bodies were dumped today -- not seven as I reported earlier. That makes 49 since Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. It puts a staggering work load on forensic experts and mortuary workers. Many/most of these bodies will never be claimed. Some may not even be identified.