CNN Mexico has a report on the case today, 24 hours after everybody else was talking about it. The report is accompanied by some moderately disturbing video -- moderately depending on how much drug war news to which you're accustomed.
Authorities say the murder victims may never be identified due to extensive mutilation of their bodies. No one has yet claimed their remains. Each was bound hand and foot before being suspended from a bridge by the heels.
A narcomensaje -- a written warning left at the scene by the executioners -- made specific reference to the internet and to those who use social networks to report or warn of organized crime activities. "This is what happens to them, " said the note, which also mentioned two drug reporting blogs. Such warnings are frequently left behind by drug cartel enforcers. This one was signed "Z" for Los Zetas, one of the most powerful and feared cartels with a reputation for particular brutality. While there was no specific reference to either Facebook or Twitter, both are world-wide leaders in social media communications.
One Twitter user -- whose actual account name CNN curiously decided to publish -- remained defiant. "If we silence ourselves we'll lose all the ground we've gained. Now's the time to show them what we're made of." No word yet on whether the Zs are trying to track down the owner of that account.
Here is the CNN link: