Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cuidado con tus “tweets” – ¡los sicarios te matarán!

Just when you think you've heard everything you could possibly hear, the news out of Mexico today is that the bodies of a 25 year old man and a 28 year old woman were found hanging from a bridge yesterday morning at about 3:00 a.m., in the very dangerous state of Tamaulipas. Both had been tortured. That part of the story is actually common place. The drug dealers frequently suspend deceased victims from bridges (sometime they've been decapitated as well, requiring a little more ingenuity with the suspension). Why do they do this? So that the whole world can view the narcos' efficient handiwork as they drive down the highway, of course.

But what makes this case so different is that near the bodies a message had been left by the killers, stating that the pair had been executed specifically for using social media networks to convey news and warnings about drug and organized crime activities in the area. The victims' social media and/or other internet postings apparently had been traced back to them by the sicarios (executioners).

There are some in this country -- including Mexico's former president Vicente Fox -- who want to hold "peace talks" with the drug cartels (see my post about Barack Obama's recent interview with Latin journalists, below). Too bad the current president, Felipe Calderon, can't run for reelection in 2012. He has the cojones to stand up to organized crime here.

Note: The title of this post is "Careful with your tweets -- the hit men will kill you." I hope they're not reading this Blog.

Here is the original source of the story (in Spanish):