Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Calderon to U.S: Get your money-hungry arms merchants under control!

Felipe Calderon always speaks from the heart,and he did so again this morning before the United Nations General Assembly. He pointed out once more what Thinking People have known for a long time: that weapons of war stamped "made in the U.S.A." are directly raising the level of daily terror here in Mexico. And why does the United States remain one of the largest purveyors of arms to the world, including to organized crime forces in this country? "MONEY," said Calderon. Of course, the Republican front-runners in the U.S. will dismiss it all with a wave of the hand. "Guns don´t kill people, people kill people," they´re so fond of saying. Try telling that to someone looking down the barrel of an AK-47 in the last seconds of his/her life.

The United States is a full-fledged participant in Mexico's drug war. Why? Because we're directly helping the enemy:

And on top of that, our own government -- the Drug Enforcement Agency -- sold arms to the cartels, "to track their 'use'." The three chowder heads behind that program just got promoted by their DEA bosses. Read the details here: