Over 46 million people live in poverty here, about one of every six persons, or almost 16% of the entire nation. The number of its citizens living below the poverty line increased each of the last four years.
Poverty among its black citizens is 28%. Poverty among its Hispanic citizens is 27%. Among its youngest citizens, under 18 years of age, 22% -- almost one of every four -- lives in poverty.
Despite a huge economic engine, massive industrial output and one of the finest health care systems in the world, 50 million of its citizens are too poor to buy health insurance.
What country is this?
It's the United States of America. The U.S. Census Bureau's Annual Report so confirms.
Photo credit to the superb American photographer Dorthea Lange (1895-1965), for her classic Migrant Mother (1936), shot in California's Central Valley at the height of the Great Depression.