Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Amnesty International demands action in case of Mexico's latest murdered journalist

Amnesty International and the Inter-American Press Organization have both expressed frustration with the Mexican government’s slow pace in resolving cases of murdered journalists. As I reported in the post immediately below, even the United Nations agreed this week that Mexico is the most dangerous country in the world for journalists – especially for those trying to cover the narcotics trade and drug cartels. About 80 reporters, writers or editors have been executed here since 2000.

Last weekend the 39 year old lead editor of Primera Hora, María Elizabeth Macías, was found decapitated and mutilated in northern Nuevo Laredo state. A narcomensaje, or executioner’s warning left by her head, said that she was killed in retaliation for using the internet and social media networks to report on organized crime activities. This is the second recent case of a murder victim who had done nothing more than write about such things on blogs. In the previous case the victims were not even reporters, just ordinary people who, like millions, use the internet and social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google+) as a form of daily communication. Mexican drug cartels have declared war on The World. Here is the other recent case.