Monday, September 19, 2011

Bolivia's Evo Morales condemns United States at Havana ceremony

As I reported Saturday (Sept. 17) Bolivian president Evo Morales flew to Havana over the weekend, accompanied by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. Chavez is getting what he says will likely be his last chemotherapy treatment for an undisclosed form of cancer, while Morales was scheduled to receive an honorary degree in political science from the University of Havana.

The latter event went off today as planned, and Morales used his acceptance speech to opine that the United States is the root cause of the international drug trade, since it´s a major consumer of cocaine. Echoes, perhaps, of Mexican president Felipe Calderon's often repeated observation that his country's geographical proximity to the States is "like living next door to the biggest drug addict in town."

1 comment:

  1. Why is the USA the biggest consumers of drugs? This is quite obvious, people are trying to escape their reality for a better one. Why? Where is the middle class? Oh, they sent the jobs over seas in the name of raising the standard of living. Wrong, just bigger profits for conglomerates. Nobody is going to send their kids to private school or go traveling on what these companies, who are run by people, pay the labor pool. The companies are just simply taking advantage of cheap labor. Look at the suicide rate in China if you want to see how happy everyone is there. Yes, I am sure there are other reasons too, like freedom but, there was no light at the end of the tunnel as promised or expected and freedom in the USA is dwindling as well. If there was it was a train. The USA is full of service type jobs today at minimum wage. People, for the first time in U.S. history can not expect their children to do better than them. The government, through handing the reigns over to big business, has betrayed the people in the USA. The exciting luxury advertizements on TV do not help put things in perspective for the common man either. So what does one do when their attempts at becoming an entrepreneur have been stymied or their hopes at finding a good paying blue collar job have been dashed do to outsourcing. They escape in to fantasy land with drug use. Yes, some will say this is the weak way out and it may be but, that is what has happened since the New World Order has taking root. The rich and the poor, the latter with lousy education compared to what the private schools offer. Yes, one can agree with the argument that the USA govt is responsible, unfortunately.
