Over 5 million Mexicans are unable to read and write. And some can communicate only in their native indigenous languages, which abound in the country (over 350, say experts). The Mexican government has undertaken the ambitious task of dealing with both challenges simultaneously. Yesterday UNESCO officially recognized its program as a highly effective model for countries with multicultural and linguistically plural populations. More details are here: http://www.theyucatantimes.com/2011/09/mexico-a-model-in-eliminating-illiteracy-says-u-n/.
As a footnote, there are about 800 million illiterate persons world-wide. According to the U.S. National Institute for Literacy, a bunch of them live in Detroit. The Institute said this year that 47% of the city's population was "functionally illiterate," despite having high school diplomas -- a conclusion guaranteed to promote some lively discussion.