The United States has a new man in Havana. Although the two nations have not had formal diplomatic relations for years, each maintains an Interests Section in the other's capital. John Caulfield, a career Foreign Service officer with 30 years experience, has served at U.S. embassies in London, Lima, and more recently Caracas, Venezuela. At the latter duty station he was acting U.S. ambassador after president Hugo Chavez expelled one American ambassador and refused to accept another who had been chosen for the job by Barack Obama.
Caulfield holds degrees in international relations and Latin America affairs from Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. On arrival in Havana he said, "It's my honor to serve President Obama and the American people here in Havana. The United States and Cuba share a long and complex history. I hope to get to know Cuba and the Cuban people better while at the same time advancing the interests of United States citizens here." The highlighted words are a direct quote and are interesting, considering the plight of U.S. contractor Alan Gross who has been jailed in Havana since December 2009. See my numerous posts below on that subject.