Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Top cop turned in by AOL; Miami ICE chief will appear in federal court today

Update Wednesday Sept. 28: Mangione's detention hearing -- which will determine whether he is freed on bail while awaiting trial -- was postponed today until October 17, so that he can undergo competency and psychological examinations. He remains in custody after entering a not guilty plea. For a copy of the Indictment against him which was unsealed today, click here:
Original story: It looks like Miami ICE (Immigrations and Customs) chief Anthony Mangione was turned in by his internet service provider, AOL. In April AOL became suspicious over some of Mangione's account activity, and tipped off the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The latter then passed word along to federal and state investigators, who in turn issued criminal subpoenas to AOL, demanding full particulars. Soon afterwards computers in Mangione's home and office were seized, where the child porn was located. Investigators have apparently spent the past several months conducting a painstaking forensic analysis of the machines, as well as Mangione's internet history. The goal was to confirm that it was him personally trafficking in the materials, and that the downloads were not accidental or inadvertent. Investigators recently decided they had enough evidence to prosecute, and Mangione was arrested yesterday (September 27).
The charging documents have not yet been released, but will be after Mangione's formal detention hearing before a U.S. Magistrate later today.