Saturday, January 21, 2012

Santiago Creel on Enrique Peña Nieto: "From an empty head, nothing comes"

PAN pre-candidate Santiago Creel was campaigning in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca today when he said of the short-on-specifics PRI nominee Enrique Peña Nieto: "He has an empty head, he's a hollow candidate, he brings nothing (to the race) and from nothing, nothing comes."
Last month Creel let the PRI candidate have it equally hard, when he opined: "Ignorance is a poor traveling companion, especially in route to Los Pinos." The reference was to Mexico's White House.

But Peña Nieto is taking all the nasty negativism in good stride. After all, the ancient Mayans predicted a PRI win in 2012:

Related posts:
Mexico's "Great Hope" in 2012, Enrique Peña Nieto:;
"I'm not the lady of the house":;
The "lightweight":;
The "soap opera actor":

Image: The original Ken doll, by Mattell, 1961. Barbie needed a handsome boyfriend, and he was long-awaited by many a young girl. Best of all, he couldn't talk back . . .