Father Santorum delivers up his latest Sermon on the Mount to P.R. residents
Republican candidate Rick Santorum, fresh on the heels of Tuesday's primary victories and campaigning in Puerto Rico this week, told the territory's residents that they will have to adopt English as their fist language if they hope to be admitted into the Union as the 51st state.
This theme goes along nicely with Santorum's belief that access to birth control by American women should be made more difficult, that there should be no meaningful separation between church and state and that Roman Catholic beliefs and teachings should fundamentally govern U.S. political thought and governmental policy.
My guess is that Rick Santorum was probably a C- student in high school Spanish. That, coupled with his unbridled Fear of Anything Foreign, make him resistant to the notion that one can/could be a very loyal American while utilizing another language. Apparently the man doesn't know that Spanish and English are already the two official languages of Puerto Rico. Since he's trying to win a primary on the island, why doesn't his political team enlighten him as to the facts?
Were Santorum president, he'd tell Cuba that it had to switch to English before the U.S. would restore diplomatic relations.
The good news is that this Rabidly Right Radical stands less chance of becoming the next president of the United States than the kid who mows your lawn on Saturday afternoon. His own state of Pennsylvania refused to return him to the Senate in 2006, and his Democrat opponent, Bob Casey, Jr., trounced him at the polls 59% to 41%.
This year will be another early-round knock out for Rick, if he's lucky enough to capture the Republican nomination (highly unlikely). When his campaign has fizzled out and spent all of its money, Santorum should enroll in a class at his local community college. I would recommend Conversational Spanish for Beginners.
U.S. State Dept. makes history with first Spanish press conference: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.com/2012/03/us-state-dept-makes-history-with-first.html.
"I don't speak English, and I don't pretend to": http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.com/2012/02/lopez-obrador-i-dont-speak-english-nor.html.
The Ugly American - and the Jesuits: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.com/2011/10/ugly-american-and-jesuits.html.