Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cancún police fear latest execution victims could be members of their own force

*Updates below*
Cancún, Quintana Roo -
The decapitated and dismembered remains of two men were found early today in a western suburb of the city. The victims' heads, arms and legs were in separate black plastic bags. The men's torsos were located nearby, partially clothed.

The grisly discovery was made at 3:00 a.m. in the Alejandría neighborhood, just off a road known as the 20th of November Avenue. The bodies were dumped not far from a city park.

The victims have not yet been identified, but a narcomensaje, or executioner's warning, was left near the bags. The note threatened city police, and investigators fear the men could be municipal officers.

Cancún has recorded about 15 organized crime executions since Jan. 1, including three last week. Los Zetas and Los Pelones are struggling for control of drug sales and other criminal activity in the region. Authorities say the Zetas dominate in the city's lush hotel zone, while the Pelones are stronger in outlaying communities such as Playa del Carmen, a few miles to the south.

This story will be supplemented as the investigation proceeds. Watch for updates.

Apr. 12: The men have been identified as employees of an automobile body shop, aged 48 and 44 (Cancún police report all their officers and personnel have been accounted for). Medical examiners say the men were tortured and then strangled to death. They were killed about four hours before their remains were discovered.
The narcomensaje left with the brutalized bodies: "This is what's going to happen to all of you city cops." Police say the victims were killed either by Los Zetas or Los Pelones, and almost surely were involved with drug dealing, probably as independents. But a Cancún newspaper claims today that the police themselves are heavily infiltrated by both groups, which are locked in a bitter struggle for control of the resort city. On Nov. 11 a commander of the federal military zone in Quintana Roo state alleged that 90% of all Cancún police are corrupt, and belong to one criminal organization or another.

Apr. 18, 2012 - The mayor of Cancún said today that he would not be opposed to assistance from military units in patrolling city streets. He noted that municipal police already have their hands full, and sometimes are the targets of violent attacks themselves.

Apr. 29, 2012 - A contract executioner who worked for both Los Pelones and Los Matazetas has confessed to these murders, say Cancún police. He was arrested April 25.
Los Pelones killer in Cancún also may have been hit man for Los Matazetas:

Los Pelones executions continue in Q.R., with "corrupt police support":
Los Zetas tell police: "Join us, or you and your families will die":
Bodies of three narco execution victims dumped near Cancún-Mérida highway:
Los Zetas executioner arrested near Hotel Oasis Cancún:
Should Cancún trips be canceled?:
Two women executed in Isla de Mujeres:
Chief of Tourist Police executed in Playa del Carmen: