Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hugo Chávez, once more to Havana

Were Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez a private citizen, he'd really be wracking up the frequent flyer miles. After submitting to a second surgical procedure in late February, Chávez has returned to Cuba every few days for additional rounds of chemotherapy. He did so again last night (April 14), skipping the just- adjourned 6th Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia, where he had intended to make a brief appearance yesterday morning. Chávez was also on the island for treatment several days last week. A U.S. source who claims to have inside information says the president is failing fast, and that Venezuelan generals are prepared to take control of critical state functions at the moment of Chávez' death. The source has been making the same prediction for months, bringing to mind the Mark Twains (Samuel Clemens) comment, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." But it's clear that Chávez is very sick.

Hugo Chávez' condition in dispute after his latest cancer treatment in Cuba:
Chávez returns to Cuba for more surgery:
Hugo Chávez has but nine months to live: