A mountain biker and a slugger on the diamond
When it comes to covering campaign trivia, the American press has nothing on the Mexican press.
At a speaking event yesterday PAN candidate Josefina Vázquez Mota got a bit light-headed and decided to sit down to deliver her remarks. You would have thought she had suffered a coronary episode on national television (the event was being covered by a major network). Today the media is all over the story. Does Vázquez Mota suffer an undisclosed illness? Is she anorexic? Is there something seriously wrong with her?
PRD candidate Manuel López Obrador was cordial in his own remarks yesterday, noting that the physical rigors of the campaign trail are a real challenge for all the participants. He sent his best wishes to Josefina. Then, as if to stress his own excellent condition, he said he had played two hours of baseball the evening before, and had "batted very well."
Front running PRI nominee Enrique Peña Nieto also wished Josefina well. But in a second statement he urged that she submit to a thorough checkup to prove to the country that she's physically fit to serve if elected. In retrospect, that was probably not a wise strategic move by EPN.
This morning Vázquez Mota appeared on national television news working out on an elliptical trainer in Baja California, where she's campaigning today. The attractive 51 year old candidate appears to be a lean, mean machine. She claims to be an avid mountain biker. Josefina laid into Enrique, reminding him in a very public way that speaking of tests, Mexico is still waiting on his drug exam and polygraph results . . . Ouch.
Update Apr. 5: Peña Nieto promised again today that he's going to take that polygraph soon. He made the same promise back on Mar. 19.
Enrique Peña Nieto finally gives in and agrees to take the "Josefina Challenge": http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/03/enrique-pena-nieto-finally-gives-in-and.html.
Josefina Vázquez Mota registers for prez and says, "I'm a clean candidate": http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/03/josefina-vazquez-mota-registers-for.html.
A note on the debates: The four presidential candidates will debate on May 6, it was announced today. A second and final debate will be held during the first two weeks of June. López Obrador, who had argued for multiple debates, said he understands why Peña Nieto is not interested in the proposal. The PRI candidate knows that he's far out in front of the pack, so why risk things by speaking in public, says the PRD nominee.
Mexico's presidential campaign begins: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/03/mexicos-presidential-campaign-opens.html
Memo to Enique Peña Nieto: Mexico is waiting: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/03/memo-to-enique-pena-nieto-mexico-is.html.
Supreme Court rejects lie detectors, drug tests, psych profiles for candidates: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/02/mexicos-high-court-rejects-lie.html.
Is alleged PRI-narco connection fair game in Mexico's 2012 election?: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/02/is-alleged-pri-narco-connection-fair.html.