Where did they get the idea?
Well, this is uncanny.
I've been very tough on Enrique Peña Nieto on these pages. I admit it. Tougher by far than I have on either of his two leading opponents. Months ago, I wrote an article using this image to refer to the PRI candidate. Then I did it again. And yet another time. The three posts just below prove it. There may have been other occasions as well which now escape me. In short, I've repeatedly compared Mr. Peña Nieto to a Ken doll. Handsome, but substantially lacking in grey matter. Shame on me for so belittling the man.
But now comes word that someone has commissioned a Ken doll in Enrique Peña Nieto's own likeness, and apparently it's available on the internet. The EPN doll is dressed in a snazzy white jacket, emblazoned with the tricolor PRI emblem. It appears the doll might even be sold or given away at upcoming PRI functions.
PAN candidate Josefina Vázquez Mota and PRD nominee Manuel López Obrador need to get their own dolls, to jump-start their campaigns. Mattel, the American toy manufacturer which created Barbie first and then Ken (just the reverse of the way things happened in the Book of Genesis), would gladly bid on the project. Barbie and Ken have been around for more than half a century. They have staying power if nothing else, which is what every presidential hopeful needs, especially if he or she anticipates having to run for the office more than once. The latter looks like a very real possibility for both of them (it's already López Obrador's second try). They're trailing Ken - I mean Enrique - by double digits.
If it turns out that PRI is behind this deal, I hope they'll consider paying me a commission for coming up with the marketing concept.
Peña Nieto admits: "I was unfaithful": http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/01/pena-nieto-admits-i-was-unfaithful-and.html.
"From an empty head, nothing comes": http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/01/santiago-creel-on-enrique-pena-nieto.html.
Is an "air-head" the same thing as an "empty-head," or are they different?: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/02/query-is-air-head-same-thing-as-empty.html.
Mexico's presidential campaign begins: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.com/2012/03/mexicos-presidential-campaign-opens.html.