Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Highwaymen hit Cancún-bound ADO bus in Tabasco

Autobuses de Oriente, or ADO as it's known in these parts, is the primary provider of first class passenger service in Yucatán, Quintana Roo and adjacent states. Anybody who has ever traveled between Cancún and Mérida by bus has surely been on ADO equipment . . . otherwise their fellow passengers might have included chickens in crates on the roof or goats tethered in the back. In fact, if you're headed any direction out of Mérida by bus you'll likely be on an ADO, unless you're seeking more of an Indiana Jones experience.

A Quintana Roo news service reports that an ADO unit headed from Villahermosa in Tabasco state (map) to Cancún was the victim of authentic highwaymen earlier this week. About 12:30 a.m. the bus driver observed a man standing in the middle of the black road flagging him down with a red lantern. Noticing that the man appeared to be armed, the driver quickly accelerated. Just then the back of the bus was riddled with gunfire, so the driver yielded and pulled over. Three gunmen boarded and ordered him to turn off on a deserted side road ahead. No one was injured, but all 18 passengers on board were relieved of their property. The bandits took cash, watches, jewelry, cell phones, everything they had. Police estimated the loss at around 15,000 pesos. That's only about $1,200 USD at the current exchange rate, but no doubt it was a lot to the terrified victims. Authorities believe the brazen robbery was a local job and not connected with any larger criminal enterprise.

Apr. 17, 2013 - Highwaymen assault ADO bus on Yucatán peninsula

Bus travel in Mexico can be dangerous at times:
Young American family on Christmas holiday executed in Veracruz bus attack:
U.S. issues travel alert after 11 passengers killed in Veracruz bus attacks

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