Thirty-one days to go and counting, and the political ads heat up
The random survey of 1,152 respondents was taken May 27-29. Over 21% report that they are still undecided, and the election is but a month away. This is López Obrador's highest number to date, while Peña Nieto slides perilously close to the 40% mark. If the distance should close to 10 percentage points, look for a wild June finale. And how many of Josefina's crowd will stick with her on July 1, faced with the possibility of PRI's return?
In PAN's latest ad, Josefina warns Mexican voters, "we can return to the corruption and repression of the past, to making deals with criminals (PRI), or to the intolerance and violence" of PRD. It was her first shot directed at leftist AMLO, who plainly has her worried.
And here, a creative and interestingly done counter-ad for López Obrador, lambasting "83 years of bad government" by PRI and PAN. "They've sold us out. The left deserves a chance," it urges voters. "Real change is in your hands."
PAN, PRD reject cross demands to abandon presidential race:
López Obrador loyalists march as thousands protest Enrique Peña Nieto:
Mexico's campaign begins: