Thursday, May 3, 2012

Three more journalists killed in Veracruz

Twelve year death toll in Mexico hits 83, says Reporters Without Borders

The bodies of three more journalists were discovered in Verzacruz today. They are Guillermo Luna Varela, a photographer for Veracruz News, Gabriel Huge Córdoba, who had worked for the daily newspaper Notiver until 2011, and Esteban Rodríguez.

A fourth body found at the scene is thought to be Irasema Becerra, Luna Varela's girlfriend and an administrative employee at another Veracruz newspaper, El Dictamen. All four victims had been tortured, dismembered and were buried in black plastic bags. They were last seen alive Wednesday (May 2). Their remains were discovered on World Freedom of the Press Day.

A spokesperson for Veracruznews said that Luna Varela had left the company for a few months in 2011 after receiving threats, but recently returned. There are no suspects nor known motive in the executions. Several Notiver correspondents have been executed in the past year in Veracruz state, which is well known for acts of violence against the press.

Last weekend one of Veracruz's most well-known and respected correspondents, Regina Martínez, who wrote for Proceso and other Mexican publications for more than 30 years, was found murdered in her home. She had been beaten and strangled. An investigation is underway: Another journalist murdered in Mexico, once again in Veracruz, once again female.

The international organization Reporters Without Borders said today that at least 83 Mexican journalists have been killed or disappeared under suspicious circumstances since the year 2000.

Veracruz local government
During the administration of current Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) Veracruz governor Javier Duarte de Ochoa, eight journalists have lost their lives at the hands of presumed drug cartels or oranized crime The make believe world of Veracruz Governor Javier Duarte; Veracruz Governor Javier Duarte is a man out of touch with reality.

Last year governor Duarte sponsored and pushed hard for a bill which would have made it a crime to Twitter "incorrect claims" about any subject leading to a public disruption, even if the Twitter sender acted innocently based upon erroneous reports or information. The proposed law was soundly rejected after a Mexican federal court intervened. Mexico Should Proceed With Caution In “Twitter Terror” Cases.

In October the former chief prosecutor of Veracruz, Reynaldo Escobar Pérez, resigned under pressure after 100 bodies were dumped on public streets in his town. Last summer he said that two local journalists who were murdered were themselves probably involved with organized crime. This year Pérez is seeking a seat as a PRI federal representative in Mexico's lower legilslative body, the Cámara de Diputados, the equivalent of the U.S. House of Representatives. Veracruz prosecutor Escobar Pérez resigns; Reynaldo Escobar Pérez, the do-nothing prosecutor of Veracruz.

May 6 - Notiver and other Veracruz newspapers are now under police and military guard.
Aug. 13 - A suspect has been taken into in this case. He's identified as both a drug dealer and an executioner for Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación - also known as Los Matazetas (the Zeta killers). The arrest tends to confirm that the Matazetas are "just another drug cartel," not vigilantes, as the Mexican government said last year.
Aug. 15 - Seven Matazetas executioners are arrested, said to be responsible for the murders of five journalists, including Milenio editor Víctor Manuel Báez Chino in June. The motive, according to the killers - although not explained - is that the reporters were themselves responsible for the murders of other journalists at the hands of Los Zetas. Whatever that is intended to suggest is probably false. Mexico's attorney general's office is not satisfied with the investigation by Veracruz state prosecutors, and will launch its own.
Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación asesinó a periodistas: PGJ-Veracruz
Asume PGR caso de periodistas de Veracruz

A free press under fire in Mexico
Federal troops take over police functions in Veracruz - 1,000 cops dismissed
No a impunidad en crímenes en contra de periodistas, dice Vázquez Mota

Police and military officials recover the three latest victims of anti-press violence today in Veracruz