What next? A Los Zetas aircraft carrier anchored just off the hotel zone beaches?
Cancún, Quintana Roo --
A 33 year old woman was taken into custody last night after municipal police observed her acting suspiciously in a neighborhood a few miles south of the city's famed hotel zone. They stopped to question her, and conducted a quick search.
In a small clutch purse officers found a grenade, fully armed and ready for business. She was also carrying a clip of .223 mm ammunition, which is widely used in combat grade weapons.
Two boys walking with the woman, eight and ten, have been turned over to state social services. Charges are pending against the woman.
Police noted something else. She was carrying photographs of drug war execution victims, clipped from local papers. Her personal collection, like baseball cards. That can't be good.
Investigators said they think "she might be involved with a drug dealer in the area."
Note to readers: In the interest of journalistic investigation and accurate reporting, I plan to travel to Cancún and Q.R. state later this year to scope out the situation. I'm waiting on my body armor and flak jacket right now. Amazon deliveries to Yucatán take a little longer.