The paper attributes EPN's loss of ground in recent weeks to the effects of YoSoy132. So it decided to ask respondents how they view the student-driven movement. For some that may be the more interesting part of the survey, which was published today.
Of those questioned, 45% were aware of the organization and the recent marches. The majority – 62% – said they viewed YoSoy primarily as an anti-EPN or anti-PRI protest. A mere 3% opined that it’s really directed at the media.
While 40% percent said that Yo Soy is non-partisan, 20% said it’s all about supporting AMLO, and 14% suggested that it’s a pro-JVM effort. The results suggest that many Mexicans view YoSoy 132 much as I do, based upon what I've seen from it in this area. The group may be "non-partisan" -- open to anyone of any political persuasion -- but PRIstas need not apply for membership. To that extent, I find that YoSoy has been less than candid with Mexican voters (June 3 - YoSoy 132 returns to Mérida streets, this time showing its true colors: By my political compass, they're partisan enough.
To be sure, 42% of the respondents believe that the giant Televisa network is biased in favor of EPN, while 21% feel the same way about TV Azteca. So the Mexican electronic media is under scrutiny, it would seem. The only remaining question is whether in the 27 days left until the election the movement will bleed off even more votes from Peña Nieto.
Forty-seven percent said they support the YoSoy protests, while 32% said they don’t.
El Universal encuesta (4 de junio):
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On the right: "As a young person I do a lot of stupid things, but I'll never vote for PRI"