Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ten dead in 11 hours of Acapulco violence

Acapulco, Guerrero -
In this famed Pacific coast resort which has been under federal military control for six months, the violence is far from over. Earlier this year I reported on what seemed to be an improved security climate. But now the old patterns appear to have resumed.

On Saturday (Jun. 3), the city recorded 10 new drug related murders. In one case a taxi driver flagged down police to report that a group of five armed men had just stolen his cab. Officers located the vehicle minutes later, but as they approached the men opened up with AK-47s. Police returned the fire, killing one of them. The other four were taken into custody. In this city, as in Cancún and many locations, taxis are frequently stolen and placed into service by drug dealers and hit squads. They easily camouflage the occupants' intentions, since so many are on the streets at all hours.

In a separate case, four men who worked together in a local auto body repair shop were found executed. Their families reported that all had been kidnapped several days earlier. They had received ransom demands ranging from 200-250 thousand pesos, but nobody could raise the money. Their bound bodies were abandoned in a car along a highway.

In another case a young couple, tortured and executed, were found on a busy street. An owner of a small taco business was seized and forcibly removed from his store about 9:00 a.m. His body was located soon after. Most probably he had rejected an extortion demand. In yet a different case, police discovered a human head. The body was a block away. So it went all day yesterday. Ten new victims were added to Mexico's ever rising drug war stats.

Not surprisingly, all of this has dealt a severe blow to tourism, which is the predominant local industry. Although Mexicans continue to visit Acapulco, the city as well as Guerrero state have been on U.S. and European travel warning lists for several years. Police are frequently the targets of narco violence in the area, compounding problems (post below).

Cancún narco violence claims fifth victim in 2012:
U.S. issues new travel alert for Mexico:
47,515 have died Mexico's five year drug war:

Acapulco: 12 dead police, 10 severed heads:
Drug war deaths in Acapulco drop sharply 130 days after Mexican army steps in:
Police kill 2 students during confrontation in Guerrero state:
12 killed in Acapulco violence overnight:
24 hours of violence in Acapulco:
More violence in Guerrero state; bodies dumped in popular beach town:
Five human heads found by a school, but teachers will return to work anyway:
School teachers ambushed in Mexico - three executed by Guerrero hit squad:
School teachers in Acapulco: "There's nothing to celebrate":