Thursday, June 14, 2012

Milenio reporter executed in Veracruz

"We can't and we shouldn't live in fear, in darkness; we can't allow fear to become a way of life" -- Words of victim Víctor Manuel Báez Chino, a few days before his death.

A reporter for the Milenio network, one of the largest and most influential news agencies in Mexico, was found dead early this morning in the capital of Veracruz state on the country's Gulf coast. Authorities say he was murdered.

The reporter, who was identified as Víctor Manuel Báez Chino, was kidnapped about 11:30 p.m. Wednesday (June 13) by three men in a vehicle. Police say he was almost surely the victim of professional executioners, not street crime. From 2000 to date, more than 80 Mexican journalists have been murdered or disappeared under mysterious circumstances, most of them since the nation's 66 month old drug war was launched in December 2006. Several international organizations say Mexico is the most dangerous country in the world for reporters, outranking even war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Veracruz, a once popular tourist port-of-call, is one of the most deadly regions in all of Mexico. The drug cartel Los Zetas, as well as other criminal organizations, are active in the area. There have been hundreds of narco executions in Veracruz in recent years. In Sept. and Oct. 2011, about 100 brutalized and dismembered corpses were dumped on local streets, many of them in broad daylight in front of passing traffic and pedestrians.

Virtually all municipal policing in the capital city has been turned over to federal troops, especially Mexico's highly trained Marine units. The entire city police force was dismissed and the department disbanded in Dec. 2011, due to rampant corruption and infiltration by drug cartels (Federal troops take over police functions in Veracruz - 1,000 local cops dismissed).

A close friend of Báez Chino and an spokesperson for the Veracruz state government told a packed press conference this morning that she had just visited with him a few days ago. "He told me, 'My friend, we can't and we shouldn't live in fear, in darkness; we can't let fear impose itself on us as a way of life'" (Asesinan a periodista de Milenio en Veracruz). Báez Chino was 46. He had worked as a journalist for 25 years.

Last week a new law took took effect in this country, which federalizes all crimes against journalists or press sources (first link below). Mexico's Attorney General's office said today it will jointly investigate the case with Veracruz authorities (Investiga PGR el asesinato).

Late today prosecutors said that a narcomensaje, or executioner's note, was left with Báez Chino's body, signed by the Los Zetas. The contents of the note have not been revealed. The Milenio network, which has given the case intense coverage all day, said Báez was a police beat and crime story editor (Los Zetas, detrás del homicidio de Víctor Báez).

Aug. 15 - Seven Matazetas executioners are arrested, said to be responsible for the murders of five journalists, including Víctor Manuel Báez Chino. The motive, according to the killers - although not explained - is that the reporters were themselves responsible for the murders of other journalists at the hands of Los Zetas. Whatever that is intended to suggest is probably false. The surprise is that Báez Chino was killed by Matazetas, not by Zetas, if prosecutors have their facts straight. Although the two men who kidnapped and executed Báez Chino were arrested on June 19, only five days after the Milenio editor's body was discovered, their involvement in the case was not disclosed until today. Mexico's attorney general's office is not satisfied with the investigation by Veracruz state prosecutors, and will launch its own.
Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación asesinó a periodistas: PGJ-Veracruz
Asume PGR caso de periodistas de Veracruz

Asesinan a reportero:
Plagian y asesinan a reportero:

2011 Veracruz executions surge a staggering 960% in the City of Cadavers:
More bodies are dumped in Veracruz, the City of Cadavers:
36 bodies found in three Veracruz houses:
Veracruz "en la bolsa de los narcos":
Horror on Veracruz street - 35 bodies dumped downtown in broad daylight:

Crimes against the press
Press crimes become federal crimes in Mexico today, as new law takes effect:
Three more journalists killed in Veracruz:
Another female journalist murdered in Mexico:
A Free Press under fire in Mexico:
Mexican journalist deaths continue to rise:
U.N. says Mexico is death zone for journalists: .
Woman reporter brutally executed in Veracruz:
Amnesty International demands action in case of murdered journalist:
Journalistic group files legal complaint against Mexico over reporters' deaths:
Veracruz newspaper hit by arson attack:

Víctor Manuel Báez Chino, found dead early this morning in the City of Cadavers. His killers discarded his body in a black plastic bag, as they do with most victims.