Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Vicente Fox, a PRIsta in very thin disguise

News Analysis -
'Vaquero' Fox also takes a slam at YoSoy 132, calling its members hired guns

On April 12, I wrote a story about the two-faced politics of former Mexican president Vicente Fox, who had just gone out of his way to fire a torpedo at his own National Action Party. Suggesting that the presidential contest is "already decided," the PAN ex-prez (2000-2006) said that Josefina Vázquez Mota would need a milagrito to prevail -- a little miracle. Two weeks later, on April 25, Fox and Vázquez Mota had a tête-à-tête in Monterrey. Afterwards, addressing her as "Madame President" and elegantly kissing her hand for assembled reporters, Fox told Josefina, "You can count on me unconditionally. I know that Mexico will benefit from your victory, from your talents, from the better future you're going to bring to all of us." Fox, a master at playing both sides of the fence, was smooth, polished and deferential (Vicente Fox does his best to sink Josefina). Now he has skillfully replanted the knife squarely in Josefina's back.

Speaking to reporters he invited to his ranch yesterday (Jun. 4), Fox first dismissed the notion that PRD candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is within just four percentage points of Enrique Peña Nieto, as was reported last week by Reforma (Enrique Peña Nieto falling: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/05/enrique-pena-nieto-falling-dollar.html). And he denied that YoSoy 132 is a "spontaneous movement" of students and young people. "Somebody is behind them, somebody put them up to this," said Fox.

But the real purpose of Fox summoning the press to his ranch was to announce once again that Peña Nieto's election is inevitable, and that PAN and Vázquez Mota should admit it "out of love for Mexico." In fact, Fox openly called upon Mexicans to vote for the PRI front runner. Here are Fox's exact words, quoted in many Mexican media sources yesterday, followed by my translation:

"Yo invito al pueblo de México a esta reflexión: tenemos que alcanzar la unidad, estamos perdiendo mucho terreno como país frente a otras naciones; no podemos ni debemos seguir así, debemos de cerrar filas atrás de quien vaya a ganar, no sé en este momento quién vaya a ganar, pero ya es claro que se perfila un triunfador y debemos apoyarlo para que podamos resolver los problemas."

"I invite the Mexican people to consider this: we have to achieve unity, we're losing ground against other countries. We can't and we shouldn't continue on this way; we have to close ranks behind the one who's going to win. I don't know yet who's going to win, but already it's quite clear that one (candidate) has the profile of a winner, and we must help him so that we can overcome our problems."

Enrique Peña Nieto was as delighted with yesterday's backhanded endorsement as he was with Vicente Fox's first one in April.

My opinion
There can be no doubt whatever about which flag Vicente Fox is carrying as the nation counts down the final days to July 1. Fox is free to advocate whatever politics he wants, but he needs a new lapel pin. PAN should excoriate him, and run him out of the party. When you join or choose to remain within a political body, you close ranks with its candidates and policies. Otherwise, you exit and proudly embrace your new party. Fox is supremely arrogant.

June 17: Fox said today he will not resign from the party. Fox: "No renunciaré al PAN".
June 21: Fox insists he's no traitor to PAN.
June 26: Fox says his presidency was the best in Mexico's history.

U.K.'s Guardian reveals Televisa-EPN deal: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/06/uks-guardian-reveals-televisa-pri-deal.html.
The Old Guard's worst nightmare: Andrés Manuel López Obrador: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/06/old-guards-worst-nightmare-andres.html.
Mexicans surveyed on YoSoy 132 attitudes: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/06/mexicans-surveyed-on-yosoy-132.html.
YoSoy 132 returns to Mérida streets, this time showing its true colors: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/06/yosoy-132-returns-to-merida-streets.html#more.
"YoSoy 132" protest arrives in Mérida: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/05/yosoy-132-protest-arrives-in-merida.html.
A "free press" in Mexico - but who's really paying the tab?: http://mexicogulfreporter.blogspot.mx/2012/05/free-press-in-mexico-but-whos-really.html.

Spanish political commentary
El mentiroso Vicente Fox - "Mi amor por México, por encima de partidos": http://www.milenio.com/cdb/doc/noticias2011/bbe18cfb71f1fbf3c01899f796ec4bd0.
Líderes panistas exigen la expulsión de Vicente Fox: http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/nacion/197230.html.
Imperdonable que Fox llame a votar por Peña Nieto: http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/notas/851607.html.