Saturday, October 15, 2011

17 Texas counties dominated by cartels

Mexican cartels, particularly Los Zetas and Cartel Golfo, dominate drug trafficking and other serious crimes in 17 Texas counties, says the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

According to a 51 page 2011 Threat Assessment, some six million Texans reside in the affected areas, most of them along the Gulf coast. The epicenter of drug activities in the area is Houston, which serves as the primary dropping off point and distribution center for narcotics headed to many destinations, especially the southeastern United States.

The overwhelming majority of traffickers in the busy corridor which extends from the border to Houston are Mexican, or have ties to Mexican gangs. Other cartels active in the region include La Familia Michoacána and Cartel Sinaloa. But law enforcement authorities emphasize that all of the cartels work closely with local organized crime elements on the Texas side of the border.

The FBI says that large quantities of drugs cross the border at Reynosa, Matamoros and Nuevo Laredo, and proceed to locations like Beaumont, Corpus Christi and Houston, where cartels maintain safe houses to store drugs and weapons. The government says that Houston is an important distribution center for New Orleans and other U.S. cities in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi.