Monday, October 24, 2011

Empty hotel rooms on Isla de Mujeres

At least at the Hotel San Jorge, that is. Site of last week's brutal double execution of two alleged female drug dealers, the usually busy island hostelry has ground to a virtual halt. Staff members say that some people still stop by to check on prices -- all of them foreign tourists -- but so far there have been no takers. Employees say that those who do inquire about room prices and availability seem oblivious to recent events.

Two women executed on Isla de Mujeres

Aug. 17 - Isla de Mujeres is flooded with drug dealers, young bandits who target foreign tourists and undocumented Cubans arriving by sea under cover of darkness. How much worse will it get?

One wonders if the place will be permanently jinxed, like a famous motel of an earlier era.