Monday, October 17, 2011

No deals with criminals, says PAN candidate Josefina Vázquez Mota

Josefina Vázquez Mota leads the presidential preference polls among all current PAN (National Action Party) precandidates. At a campaign appearance today, she emphasized that if elected, she'll never consider "any kind of amnesty for, or deal with, organized crime." Her remarks will no doubt continue to fan the flames on that issue. PRI politicians throughout Mexico remained on the offensive today, demanding that president Felipe Calderón retract and apologize for his recent comments during an interview with the New York Times. Calderón inferred that if PRI wins the presidency next year, there will be a return to "business as usual," with the drug cartels being permitted to carry on their activities below the radar screen.

Vázquez Mota also said that Mexican armed forces will be withdrawn from their leadership role in the war against the drug cartels as soon as the government is confident that local law enforcement can handle the task.

More on the Vázquez Mota candidacy:

Update Apr. 25, 2012 - Josefina pide EEUU corresponsibilidad contra crimen: