First a near riot, then a party
Only in Mexico, perhaps, could a mini-revolution almost occur over a road construction project. But that's exactly what happened last July 4 . . . a rather ironical date. More here: Violence Over an Underpass Underscores Reality of Mexican Gloves-off Politics.
The project was completed late last week, and last night (October 9) many thousands of Méridans turned out to enjoy its inauguration. Yucatán governor Ivonne Ortega and Mérida mayor Angelica Arajuo attended and delivered brief remarks to the very excited crowd. From groundbreaking to ribbon cutting, the work was completed in just over 14 weeks. Lots of music, street dancing and family fun -- plus fireworks. Enjoy, and visit soon.
[All photos © Edward V. Byrne/MGRR 2011-2012. All rights reserved.]
The Grand Opening (if images don't appear, try reloading the page)