Sarah Palin, mercifully, will spare us her candidacy for president of the United States. There is a God in heaven after all.
"I can be on the right path without being a candidate," Palin allegedly said in an interview announcing that she would not run.
Some of us will doubt that, Sarah.
Footnote: It would be nice if I could add Michelle Bachmann's photo to this post, but that probably won't happen for a number of months yet. I have nothing against a woman candidate for president. It's long past time. There's no reason why the United States shouldn't have multiple women running in every presidential contest. I just want qualified candidates, whatever their gender. Palin and Bachmann are both dingbats (or "airheads" as we used to say when gas was still about $1.50 a gallon), in the same way that Rick Perry is a warmed over, half-baked Ronald Regan, right down to the omnipresent cowboy boots. Too bad more people won't take a serious look at former Utah governor John Huntsman, Jr. But he's moderate and composed, and will likely be swamped by the far more conservative Mitt Romney (even though both are Mormons). That's the way I see the Republican side of things to date. The Democratic side we need not address because we already know who their candidate will be.