Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Double dip recession in U.S. is inevitable and "imminent," says expert.

Those are the words today of Lakshman Achuthan, managing director of the Economic Cycle Research Institute. ECRI is not just another brokerage house or financial management firm trying to transfer money from your pocket to its own. It's an academic "think tank" focused on business trends, and it does not sell investment products.

Achuthan says we're already in the early days of the the second dip, and that things will only get worse "on a persistent basis." His prediction is based upon "dozens of leading economic indicators, all of which are falling." The further bad news, according to Achuthan, is that governments world wide and their agencies (central banks such as the U.S. Fed, for example) are powerless to stop it. "It's part of the inevitable cycle of free market economies," said the ECRI expert. Nor will they be able to detour around it via massive stimulus programs, such as those already tried in the United States since 2008. "This recession will not be denied," said Achuthan.