Update: I neglected to mention in my original post this morning one of the things I like most about Mr. Rushkoff's article (link below). He correctly points out that "traditional journalists" are a large part of the problem in today's world. Apart from their inability to write coherent language -- any language -- far too many journalists fail to critically analyze issues, and simply parrot back what their editors want. That may be one more reason traditional newspapers are most useful for cleaning windows, or for reading when you're -- well -- sitting down. Is it any wonder so many papers are folding?
Original post: It's by Douglas Rushkoff, who points out why so many self-proclaimed "experts" just don't understand what's behind and what's happening in Occupy Wall Street. "The current economic system is broken," says Rushkoff: http://us.cnn.com/2011/10/05/opinion/rushkoff-occupy-wall-street/index.html?hpt=hp_t1.